But for some reason...and I know it's God...things have gone completely nuts in the past few weeks. Work keeps comming in. I'm finishing up alterations that have been consistent. I got an e-mail for a fashion show in Aug that I didn't know I was doing which is funny but not funny at the same time I am now creating 15-25 about a month in a half ....eek. I've got two wedding dress and the other has 18 bridesmaids dresses...(yes re-read that last sentence...the number is NOT a typo)...and then there is Girlie Goodness at the end of July and again in Oct for our first craft top it off...I still have my mommy duties take care of the three babies...keep them happy and having fun...clean the house....try to remember lunch and dinner..mark off our summer list of things to do....
That's just for now...and that doesn't include my personal to-do's that I want to make new pillows for our living room couch, or McKenzie's new curtains, or the new curtains for the Kitchen...I'll just head is spinning. much has happened since my last post Alex is now five months and rolling over front to back and almost back to front. LOVE HIM!!!
Tyler is on his way to being THREE next Monday on the 4th of July...LOVE HIM!!! the shirt says it all :)
And...McKenzie has a Chore Chart! We have been battling this for WAY to long! I ask her to clean her room or fold her clothes repeatedly has become annoying and I'm sounding like a broken record so...yesterday we sat down and wrote out her chores she has 6 daily chores on of them being something that she likes to do "READ" for 30 min. I have it up in the kitchen and she has to mark off each task as she completes it. At the end of the day she gets money and at the end of the week she will tithe 10% for church. I was shocked yesterday to see her so eager to finish her chores and mark them off each time. It's funny how $ can change so much. BUT at the same time McKenzie has some BAD habits that we are trying like crazy to while she is earning money...if I catch her doing one of her BAD habits she has to pay me. I don't keep the money I put it in a coffee cup above the sink she'll get it back when those habits stop! But I still LOVE her!!!
I have so much to blog about...but finding the time to do it is another thing. I'm doing it in the morning right now..seems to be working ok before the day gets rolling...we'll give that a try maybe I'll get to daily posting...maybe :)
XOXO Suzanne
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