Sunday, February 27, 2011

Random Thoughts.....

A few things that I have thought about today...

Why is it that I get the majority of my design ideas just as I am about to fall asleep?  What I've learned is that if I don't sketch them down right away I forget them entirely.

So last night I started sketching at about 9:00 pm with my 2.5 year old sleeping next to me and my newborn in the cradle.

As if I wasn't sleep deprived enough our little man was wide awake at 3:30 am and me taking his pic didn't help the situation but I couldn't help it he's just too darn cute!

I found myself a little drogue this morning when my other two babies climbed into bed with me, I think Rob returned from fellowship with the guys this morning to find me asleep with Alex and McKenzie and Tyler watching Disney on our TV.  I am sure that had to be a sight...and as we got the kiddos ready for church these two reminded me of a few things.
I've been quite the Debbie Downer lately not really motivated to do much of anything.  But how can I not strive to work harder or aim for my goals when I've got my babies relying on me?

So as they headed to church I stayed home with Alex I for some reason ended up watching CMT.  I found myself longing for home but not in a sad way. 

See...if you didn't know I am a Country Girl :)  I grew up with Cows..surrounded by pastures and fresh air.  We ran around riding four wheelers during the day and watched the stars at night..because you could actually see them.  Eating bacon and eggs...meat and potato's...I'm all for the DOWN HOME COOKIN'!

I haven't been home for a while...there is a reason for this..but that's another blog for another day.

I'm in this transitioning period and I'm just going with it...not sure where it is taking me and not really too worried about it at the moment.

About a week ago I went into my closet to purge my maternity clothes because I don't need them anymore...we are done having kiddos and I am dropping the weight..YEAH!
While I did remove the maternity clothes I also ended up removing more than half of my entire wardrobe.  Not something that I had planned on...just something that happened.

There isn't much left...but I learned something about myself and my (NEW) Style I guess we could call it that.  I've been treading water for a while not really sure the direction I wanted to go with my line.  It seems that once I think I have it figured out something throws me off.

Rob and I had a conversation a while ago...I had mentioned that one of our friends seemed to be really patriotic all of a sudden.  Not that she wasn't before but she was just more vocal about it now...and it made me happy.  Rob looked at me and said something along the lines of "We're in our 30's we're starting to come into our own".  That's been on my mind ever since.

I keep thinking about it because I'm kind of a "Go with the Flow" kind of girl...I kind of jump around here of there not really staying in the same place for a long time.  That's proven with my line there seems to be a different feel each season.

So in watching the County Music videos this morning I started to feel myself "coming into my own" a little bit.  Heading back to my roots in a way and it feels right. 

I know that God is working in me right now, I can feel it.

Like they always say... "You can take the girl out of the Country...But...You can't take the Country out of the girl".

I'm interested to see where this leads....

XOXO Suzanne

Friday, February 25, 2011

Over Thinking....

Do you do this?
I have come to realize that I do this WAY to much.
I over think to the point that it makes things difficult.
Difficult to the point that I can no longer make a decision because I get overwhelmed.
I really don't like living this way.
I over think how I want to decorate the house...which leads to why I (at times) hate interior decorating.  This should be fun right?
I worry if Rob will like it...unlike the majority of men/husbands out there mine does voice his opinion when it comes to decorating our home.
I worry if I will like it since I change my mind so much anyway.
And then of course....since I do most the creating of it I worry if it will turn out right/Look ok.

Am I annoying you yet?

On top of that I do the same thing with my line of clothing.
But whats messed up about this it that I worry about...
Who will wear it?
Who will like it?
Who will but it?
And I worry about those things so much that in the end sometimes...
I DON'T even like it!
Now that's messed up!

Yes I live a chaotic life chasing and caring for three babies...and my husband.
Yes I am a procrastinator and if I have time to do a project I seems to hold it off just to create stress and havoc.
I live for last minute projects
I live for that"under the pressure" feeling


But not anymore...This sleep deprived mommy longs for the simplicity in life now that I realize my life will only get crazier with each passing day.


I might actually plan ahead or get organized.
I think that might excite Rob.

I will stop over thinking what everyone else might THINK of me (well except for my husband...I want him to be happy too) and just start doing what I like. 

In the end I will be more sane :)...and hopefully and prayerfully others will enjoy my Home, my Line, my Style and  Me too.

OH and a little side note...I AM SICK OF THE SNOW AND ICE!!!!!
Spring just can not get here quick enough!

Here is a pic taken a year ago today...A dress that I was working on..I really did and STILL do love this dress :)

XOXO Suzanne