Thursday, December 23, 2010

Holiday 2010 Break Day #1

Well...I'd like to say that today went off with a BANG!!!
but it didn't.

Our day didn't officially start really till about 10:00 am.  NO i didn't sleep in till 10 am. 


My children are up at the crack of dawn...they must get it from my dad because he is the only man that I know of, of anyone in our family that does the same thing.  I mean no later than 7:20 am and that's if I am lucky!
The worst of it was that I didn't sleep well last night.  This little babe inside me was going nuts and with the heartburn and acid reflux I was up and down till about 12:00 am and sick twice...NO FUN AT ALL!!!
I did however have a few things that I wanted to get done today...a few things around the house, a craft with the kids, some ETSY Shipping, and hopefully later on a little sewing and last min Christmas wrapping if I am lucky.

The best part of our HOLIDAY  is that we all get to be together and I guess that can be good or bad.  Rob did have to work today but he worked from home.  He is now off for the next week and a half so it's all four of us...kind of bitter will be the last time that it's just the four of us.

So here was our craft for the day.  Some little felted wreath ornaments.  I got the idea from the Whatever Blog.  It's one of my favorites...actually Rob  has indicated more than once hat I stock all the blogs on my side bar.  I think that is a little creepy sounding...I just love them though.  They make life loo so much prettier/happier/simpler than it really is sometimes.  AND for this stay at home mom it's kind of a mind getaway that's needed every once in a while...maybe daily :)...but no..I do not stalk them...just admire them I guess :)
I've learned that SNACK must come with the craft at our house... it seems to be the only way.

 A bunch of felt pieces 1"x1" squares..I suggest doing this ahead of time so that the kiddos aren't constantly asking what you are doing like mine takes a little bit to cut all these little things :)
 String the felt onto DMC floss with a needle we used doll making needles the tips are sharp enough to go through the felt but not too sharp for the kiddos if they accidentally stick themselves and they are really long so you can stack a few on the needle and then pull it through.
 Me and Tyler this lasted all of a few min before he was down and gone.
 Tyler's pic while he was playing with the camera..I felt obligated to add it :)
The end result
 I ended up finishing all of them Tyler was done way early and that was to be expected.  McKenzie just wasn't in the mood.  I think they turned out pretty cute and now we have a few more decorations for our Christmas Tree.

 And to be quite honest nothing ends the afternoon any better than some snuggle time with Daddy!!!
Hopefully tomorrow will go a little better..we'll see
XOXO Suzanne Lay

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


So I just went to my ETSY account to check on orders and I saw this on the main page!

Something that I live by an absolute must for my journey to HAPPINESS
and I just have to have ASAP!!!!
Here is the ETSY shop where you can get one too she is so talented I just adore her work!

I am having an ETSY sale use this code and get 25% off everything in the store...trying to clear out a few things :)   HOLIDAYSALE2010

XOXO Suzanne Lay

Sunday, December 12, 2010

First Snow

We woke up this morning to a pretty Winter Wonderland!

I think that snow is peaceful...and I love to watch it fall.  It has this majestic, serene beauty to it.
But to be honest
I hate to be cold!!!
Despite that...when Rob headed out to shovel the drive way and the walk way we decided to let the kiddos enjoy the winters first snow fall of the year.  We dressed them in layers and headed out, it wasn't horrible except for when the wind kicked up.
Sharing a few photos....

I'm just trying to soak up as much time with my family as I can.  Our third baby could arrive at any time in the next 6 to 7 weeks. 
I still find it amazing that I am pregnant again, and I often find myself lost in the idea of how I will be able to manage a family of five and hold down my business.
I am SO THANKFUL that the Lord made me a Multi Tasker, this is where I find the first light of hope that I will be able to start the path on this next journey.

Here are a few projects that I finished up by the end of the week...

 All the letters have sold!!! and I just go a call today to make a few more :)
The hair accessories that I have been working on for a while now...they are all up loaded to my ETSY SHOP check them out when you get a chance!
Suzanne Lay

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Baby I's Cold Outside....

In St. Louis it is VERY cold outside!!!

Today I wanted to finish two of the things on my TO DO list.

It started with getting Tyler a new coat this season it came with a hat and gloves...only the hat did not fit! The first time I put it on him he would not let me take it off and I kind of freaked out.  I was thinking..."We can't leave"....there is no way because on it (the hat) looks like a Yumika (sp? a jewish cap).

Lets face it...those of you who know us...Tyler has a huge's off the charts we all know this.  So finding a hat for him is quite the task.  Basically if it fits me...then it will fit him.  We have the same size head...  Yes a 2.5 year old and a 32 year old have the same size head it's crazy.

So...I decided to make him a new hat instead of struggling to find one that would work at the store.  I think it turned out cute!

And of course if I make something for Tyler I need to make something for McKenzie...that's just how I's only fair.

I'm not a big fan of hats for McKenzie not that they don't look cute on her...but they smash her curls and that drives me a little nuts!

I think they turned out ADORABLE!!! Both made of super soft Fleece and lined with Flannel.  Which makes them super cozy and will keep them warm cuz Baby It's Cold Outside!!!

XOXO Suzanne

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Forced to take a BREAK..GRR

Well Rob laid down the law tonight! HA!

I've had quite the dramatized day...did you see my FB posts? I think I let everyone know about it on there.
But...Just in case you missed it let me share it here too..why not!?!....

Long story short...I had a little confrontation today in the Mall parking lot...I got yelled at by a mean lady and she told me that she didn't care that I was pregnant. 
I would normally shrug this off after a little while...but do you have any clue just how many hormones are rushing through my body at the moment? I don't just have the normal preggo hormones I have added progesterone and Steroids as can we say DRAMA!! yes...yes we can.

I am better now....but I cried most of the day.
So if you know me at all you know that I am ALWAYS working on during nap time...I was working on a few letters for an order.  I have some other things that I would like to work on as well for instance...
1.  I have an alteration to finish up
2.  More letters
3. Hair accessories that I have been working on for GK and dying to post soon - SO CUTE!!!
4. Tyler got a hat with his new coat only it doesn't fit - it looks like a yumika (SP? those little Jewish hats) - yes his head is the same size as mine (SERIOUSLY) I want to make him a new one and a scarf to match I got the fabric today!
5. GK Ear warmer for McKenzie and a scarf to match I got that fabric today too.

Oh there's other things :)...There's always more ideas floating around in this crazy head of mine.

So after dinner I'm laying everything out starting with the finishing of the alteration.  I look up and there's my husband staring at me. 
I'm just kinda like what? I didn't do anything....

He proceeds to tell me that I need to take a break.  After the day that I have had I need to relax.

Deep down I know this..and I know that he is right. I said earlier...if you know me...this is basically IMPOSSIBLE!!!!! how can I just sit there and not do anything??????????? 

I know it's best for baby and for me...but..

I AM SO BORED!!!!!!!!

I am actually shocked that this pic is kind of makeup, hair not done.  AND with all that crying today my eyes aren't even puffy :)

SO here's to a not so great preggo day...I'd like to ask for a re-do....may I not have anymore like you!