Sunday, December 12, 2010

First Snow

We woke up this morning to a pretty Winter Wonderland!

I think that snow is peaceful...and I love to watch it fall.  It has this majestic, serene beauty to it.
But to be honest
I hate to be cold!!!
Despite that...when Rob headed out to shovel the drive way and the walk way we decided to let the kiddos enjoy the winters first snow fall of the year.  We dressed them in layers and headed out, it wasn't horrible except for when the wind kicked up.
Sharing a few photos....

I'm just trying to soak up as much time with my family as I can.  Our third baby could arrive at any time in the next 6 to 7 weeks. 
I still find it amazing that I am pregnant again, and I often find myself lost in the idea of how I will be able to manage a family of five and hold down my business.
I am SO THANKFUL that the Lord made me a Multi Tasker, this is where I find the first light of hope that I will be able to start the path on this next journey.

Here are a few projects that I finished up by the end of the week...

 All the letters have sold!!! and I just go a call today to make a few more :)
The hair accessories that I have been working on for a while now...they are all up loaded to my ETSY SHOP check them out when you get a chance!
Suzanne Lay

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