Friday, March 25, 2011

Gray Hairs...

Ok I'm 32 and I will admit that I have two or three gray hairs....Thankfully God had placed them on my head in places where they are hidden.


In looking at the past 48 hours I am expecting the "Skunk Stripe" any day now.


Because of this little joy of my life, my beautiful ray of sunshine...

I LOVE HER!!! I truly do but man...she has been pushing buttons like you wouldn't believe.  Anything that I say NO to her is response is YES.
And of course her little brother is just following right behind her so I'm getting the double dose of acting out that I normally get.

She's seven going on seventeen and I don't like it...but I do LOVE her.
and in the midst of our tiffs all I see is this...

my sweet baby my first baby blessing and I am so thankful for her...but today I am not thankful for her attitude.

I know it's the age and I know it's a phase..something that we and I must endure.

I will stay in charge whether she likes it or not.  Because I know that if I don't I will pay for it later and so will she.

She might not like me today but my hope is that she will love me tomorrow.

As one of my closest friends put it this morning...I am her MOM not her Best Friend.  There is a difference.  As Mothers we have to make some hard decisions...they may not like the out come but we do it in the best interest for them and for their future.

She doesn't have to like me everyday of her life but she will respect me and later she will be thankful...I will compromise at times...but I will hold my ground..because I LOVE her.

XOXO Suzanne

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