Let me just shout this to the world now...I HATE CLEANING!!!! do I feel better no not at all...because it's still there. This is not an area of my life where God has blessed me. To all those "Neat Freaks" out there...I wish so bad some days that I was like you...but sadly I am not. Not at all; not even close. I thought for a moment. See in being a Christian I have learned that this is not all mine...no...it's God's and I am totally thankful for what he has given to me...so here was my conversation that played out in my head..
Me: God you gave this to me, this is your mess so...you pick it up :) squinting my eyes shut tightly praying for that magical wand chiming sound like in Cinderella hoping/praying that it would be gone when I opened my eyes. But it wasn't instead this is what I heard.
GOD: Colossians 3:23
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.
Oh GREAT!, he's quoting scripture at me THANKS A LOT!!!!
I then chuckled, smiled, shook my head and proceeded to BEAT THAT CLUTTER!!!!
I found it funny that I kind of cheered myself on. I started to think back to when I was a Cheerleader in High School. You know what... I wanted to cheer SO BAD...it tried out for years starting in Jr. High. I almost made it that last year...how do I know? I was close with both of the cheer coaches one pulled me out of my first class the morning after tryouts and told me I missed it by a "fraction of a point" (they were both math teachers...go figure)...so a fraction of a point cost me a spot on the squad..bummer. But I did make the squad in High School and you know what... I HATED IT!!!! every second of it. As I stood on the side lines fake smiling and cheering the team on....I so badly wanted to be out on the court. AND....those cute little uniforms....those were probably the worst...see I have really long legs...and that skirt barley covered my rump..thankfully I cheered for a fall sport so I was able to wrap my sweatshirt around my waist or wear sweatpants under my skirt. Going up the stairs was the WORST!!! some girls might like that kind of attention...I for one did not. I think it's interesting when we work for something SO HARD and then when we finally get it....it's not as great as we thought it would be.
So back to my day :) did I get everything done?...nope sure did not...but I did get a lot of it tackled
Laundry: Done
Kitchen: Scrubbed from top to bottom
Piles of Clutter: Mostly sorted and put away
Dusting: Done
Floors: Cleaned
I laid Tyler down for a nap and I began to enjoy some GOODNESS!!! leaving the rest of the clutter and cleaning for another day
I love it!! I tell you Suz-- you are on a mission!! Thanks for the inspiration. I need to get my behind in gear.